I have been watching with interest the goings on at a bungalow near me. It was built in the late 1920s and has a very distinctive Arts & Crafts frontage. It has three tall narrow lead pane windows fairly close together, with brick pillars between and surrounding to make the bay effect. It also has a brck built porch with gorgeous solid oak front door, set into the right hand corner. It’s very attractive and was sold a couple of years ago. The young couple did a massive gutting inside and thankfully ran out of money before they could tackle the frontage! The bungalow is back on the market now, advertised as part refurbished. It’s surprising that a building contractor hasn’t snapped it up. There is land behind, but planning permission has been refused several times. A reputable builder can make these older bungalows look so good – whilst retaining the essentials of the Arts and Crafts ethos.